Payment Platforms
Payment Deadline
Division Payment Item Deadline Additional Information
Day Division
Graduate Programs
Fees charged per credit 2023/11/14
Tuition and miscellaneous fees 2023/08/31
School of Continuing Education Tuition and fees charged per credit 2023/11/14
Day Division (New Students) Student Association Admission Fee According to the regulations of the University Act, all membership fees collected by the Student Union must be spent on the interests of member students and related activities. While payment of membership fees is optional, we recommend paying them to preserve student autonomy and develop union operations

Payment Platforms
Payment Method Instructions Payment Platforms
Cash, Remittance, ATM (select ‘Payments’) Go to the「Taishin Bank Portal for Tuition Payment
 ->Print payment form or receipt
 ->Go to Taishin Bank, Chunghwa Post Office, or any other banking institution. (For questions about payments, please see our FAQ)
Taishin Bank Portal for Tuition Payment
Paying online with a credit card
(please see FAQ 6)

By using a Fu Jen affinity credit card, you can enjoy 0% interest for six payment periods. For details, please contact the Office of Public Affairs.(02-2905-2210)
Go to the「Taishin Bank Portal for Tuition Payment
 ->Enter the 14 digit payment account number(this is the Taishin payment account, located at the bottom left of the second copy of the Payment Receipt for Tuition and Fees)
E-government Payment Portal (Taishin)
Go to the「Taishin Bank Portal for Tuition Payment
 ->Enter the 18 digit payment account number (located at the bottom left of the second copy of Payment Receipt for Tuition and Fees)
CTBC iPayment Website
(University Code 8814601952)
Online banking (online ATM) Go to the「Taishin Bank Portal for Tuition Payment
 ->Enter the 14 digit payment account (located at the bottom left of the second copy of the Payment Receipt for Tuition and Fees)
E-government Payment Portal (Taishin)